A thing of beauty is never perfect.

The ancient Egyptians were very particular about cleanliness and appearance. People who were poorly groomed were considered inferiorThe Egyptians used linen to make most of their clothing, light and cool material, perfect for a hot climate. White was the most common choice of color, but they also used red, blue, and yellow. Clothing was draped over the body and was either tied or sewn in a few places. Other items, made of wool, have been found more rarely since tombs did not shelter objects made from animal products.

A small glimpse of civilization is shown in the video above. you can have a look at it.

Egyptian women’s fashion

Women of all classes wore ankle-length sheath dresses made of linen. In ancient Egypt, they also wore straight, full-length dresses with one or two straps on the shoulder. Unlike the modern Western world, women’s clothing in Ancient Egypt tended to be more conservative than that of men. Dresses were pleated or draped during the New Kingdom era. Rich women wore clothes made out of fine and almost transparent linen and wore jewelry and headdresses. The shawl, or sari, was very popular among upper-class women in the New Kingdom. It consisted of a piece of cloth approximately 4 feet wide by 13 or 14 feet long. The shawl worn by the rich was often made of pleated material. Common accessories included a pleated cape and a long colored sash that was knotted around the waist and allowed to hang almost to the floor at the front.

Egyptian Men’s fashion

Men usually wore a wrap-around skirt which was tied at the waist with a belt. The materials were sometimes wrapped on the legs as well. The length of the skirt differed depending upon the fashion of the time. During old kingdom a short skirt was worn while in the middle kingdom men wore skirts of calf length. A pleated garment was worn during the new kingdom. Men from the royal family wore clothes made of high-quality linen which was almost see through and they also wore jewelry and headdresses on special events.

Footwear In Ancient Egyptian 

Most people in ancient Egypt remained barefoot all the time and wore sandals only for special occasions or if their feet were likely to get hurt on rough terrain. Sandals which the poor wore were made out of woven papyrus or palm leaves while those that the rich wore were made of leather.

Jewelry And Makeup In Ancient Egypt

People in ancient Egypt wore and jewelry to show their wealth and also as they believed that after doing this they will become more favored by the gods. The many jewelry pieces worn included rings, earrings, bracelets, decorated buttons, necklaces, neck collars, and pendants. The rich meanwhile wore jewelry made out of gold and precious stones while others in the society wore jewelry crafted from colored pottery beads in most cases. Both men and women wore makeup. They used black kohl eyeliner to line their eyes and to darken their eyelashes and eyebrows. They colored their eyelids with blue or green eye shadows made from powdered minerals. Henna dye also was used to color the lips and the nails.


Scarabs were very popular in Ancient Egypt, mostly due to their religious significance. The scarab beetle of the Scarabaeidae family was worshipped as a symbol of rebirth, of cyclicity of time. This held such importance in the ancient Egyptian culture that the god Khepri (god of rebirth and embodiment of Ra as the rising sun) was depicted either as a scarab beetle or with a scarab beetle for his head.

It is, therefore, easy to understand why scarabs were often worn as amulets or incorporated in other types of jewelry. They were also carved into seals (either personal or administrative), crafted as commemorative pieces or even buried with the dead for protection in the afterlife. The latter use was often paired with spells, and the scarabs were placed on the chest of the deceased along with a pair of wings.

Talking about Egyptian inspirations, Chanel presents Egyptian-themed collection around The Met’s Temple of Dendur

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