De-cluttering, the art of letting go!

If you all must have read my previous blog on minimalism you must have felt that there is an aggressive need of letting go of things or “materialistic items” from our lives. Be free and not cheap is exactly what’s been taught! Just as I had said the mainstream media is being the biggest influence in distracting us and creating a mental-clutter that’s completely not required, For instance, I will go shopping and I will buy the latest trends just because I want to create a shopping haul or create a video showcasing latest trends and not because I am in need of it.

when it comes to art it’s important to hide the madness. I am an artist and art and stationery products attract me a lot. So, I have the habit of buying all kinds of art tools and cute stationeries, its almost as if I’ve turned into a child who is yearning to buys things because it’s pretty and attractive and just try them once but will never use them again when needed and I’ll go back to the same old technique in which I am comfortable.

Same goes for my clothes, conscious buying looks way more helpful for yourself and also for the environment but being a person who is so conscious about looking the best all the time and cannot repeat outfits because the world is full of beautiful things. so a constant shopper can never be best friends with conscious buying habit. You can see the reference image how my wardrobe is stacked with all kinds of clothing. You name it and you’ll have it!

Reading about this made me realize so How then, might I begin to stop the mindless need of shopping? Maybe I can stop and revaluate, think of things I actually need and require, stop following trends or I can and get rid of previous stuff, understand and help with my weakness’, count the hidden cost of my purchase’s, experiment with no shopping challenges, or lessen it to useful shopping only! Though I am not expecting to change overnight I want to give it a try because what it really needs to try is how little we really need!

see you soon…