It feels better to do stuff than to have stuff.

“Just because something made you happy in the past doesn’t mean you have to keep it forever” Melva green. In recent times minimalism has become a trend, even though it’s a concept that has been around for centuries. It’s all over mainstream media, and we’ve seen it used across various industries.  But when the hype-dust clears, what does minimalism actually mean? Minimalism isn’t about removing things you love. It’s about removing the things that distract you from the things you love. We don’t buy things with money; we buy them with hours from our lives.

Our modern lifestyles are far from being minimalist. With so many distractions around us, we often find it difficult to create time and space to enjoy the simple things in life, like spending time with our loved ones, exercising, getting creative, cooking, or just doing nothing. We’re too busy being overwhelmed by physical, digital, and mental clutter that leads to increased anxiety and an overall sense of dissatisfaction. Your home is a living space and not a storage space. There aren’t any actual rules to minimalism. There’s no official board of minimalism to determine whether or not you’re doing minimalism right. Minimalism truly looks different for everyone. You don’t have to own a certain number of items. You can still have nice things, and no, you don’t need to get rid of your favorite collection—whether its clothes, shoes or art collection. Minimalism doesn’t have to look like white-walled, modern, and sparse homes you’ve probably seen in magazines and videos. watching the documentary has inspired me and For instance, for me approaching minimalism would be like having 15 pairs of the classic styles of clothes or timepieces and style them for different occasions and be fashionable at the same time or be more with less like the Courtney Carver where she opted “Project 333” where she just wore 33 options for 3 months. also, In reality, I feel everyone should try being minimalist. It would be a great option if we did, correct? Who wouldn’t want to be surrounded by all things favorite? And you don’t have to constantly think of getting rid of the stuff that is just piling up and is of no use to you. It makes a ton of sense when you start to think about it.

picture courtesy-pinterest.

In the end, it’s about having less but feeling more. Making choices on things you truly want or matter to you. We live in a society that creates a false image of owing things where we hardly have time to use them. The constant chase of having bigger is better is an endless cycle and needs to be stopped! It may seem like a challenge in the start but as and when you de-clutter you will find the stress disappearing and making more sense towards your life. Remember; less stuff, more meaning!

Thank you. see you soon..