There is NO planet B!

What is environment? Environment is the surrounding or condition in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates. This is what we have been taught since our childhood. It’s exactly what Greta has been talking about. We all were told to save energy, save natural resources, plant more trees. We tried doing it and also encouraged others to do it excitedly in our childhood but what happened when we grew up? Why did we forget and just started following the crowd? Why haven’t we thought about our future generations?

All these years media have been showing us all about politics, sports, business, economics, murder mysteries, social issues, cross-border issues and we are also watching it. But like Greta said, why no one is talking about climate change and how it affects our current life and our future generation?

There are so many factors which needs to be looked upon. One of the basic things to prevent climate crisis is to plant trees. Trees are vital in preventing floods & droughts. Also, fossil fuel burning needs to be stopped in order to prevent climate emergency. “Right now, we are ignoring natural climate solutions,” said Thunberg. Nature is a tool we can use to repair our broken climate. “We are living in the beginning of a mass extinction and our climate is breaking down,” says Thunberg in the film. “But we can still fix this – you can still fix this.” “It’s simple,” she says. “We need to protect, restore, and fund.” That means protecting tropical forests that are being cut down at the rate of 30 football pitches a minute, restoring the large areas of the planet that have been damaged and stopping the funding of things that destroy nature and instead paying for activities that help it.

Also, I completely agree to her statement that if burning fossil fuels is so dangerous why isn’t it made illegal compared to all those unnoticeable things which some people hardly know or care or are in contact with. We all know these days sustainability has been a major driving force for all those who experience some or other environment instability. In fact, I’d say we all have experienced it and almost in last few months its’s been worse. The pandemic going round the world, killing thousands and millions of people is the biggest example of environmental crisis. There is so much news around the world weather it is man-made or natural, we don’t know. Whatsoever it maybe it’s definitely teaching us a lesson that humans being one of the species on earth is so capable of changing the climate conditions or just creating a man-made disaster. After which you must have read the alarming fires erupting around the world in different places along with the Beirut attack which again was a man-made disaster. If we humans are so capable of doing such big things which hurt ourselves back why haven’t we taken any steps towards our climate conditions, environment crisis. I am definitely sure if we will we can save something for our future generations. Every summer we keep complaining about the rising temperatures. Why are we not paying attention that a small step towards stopping the use of fossil fuels or cutting down trees might help reducing Greenhouse gases. We as citizens have always have been comparing our country with other countries for various reasons. We have been imitating them in various things then why can’t we seriously look upon this little girl who has been trying to convince the whole world on how it is so important for us to take serious measures and steps for saving our future generations. We being a country with a population of approximately 135 million having the capability of saving the earth with a small simple measure to follow. If we decide we can take a step and make family and friends follow it.

If you see the video there is point where Thunberg calculates the no. of year she can expect to live and I know you must have started calculating too. Maybe you will too start thinking about the future for yourself or your future generation as I started. Some people will say it doesn’t matter there are people working on it and yes, they will continue. All this girl is asking us is just a small contribution we all can stop the massive extinction and I totally agree. Maybe it didn’t happen in 2012, but 2112 isn’t too far. The world isn’t too far for an end if we really don’t work at it. So please STOP, THINK & ACT. The world is ours and not yours or mine alone. Let’s not be selfish!

Let’s just take a pledge that in whichever way we can we will try our best to use things or do things which does not hurt our mother nature!!